Publication Outline
The idea of publishing for others to critique is a daunting idea to start with. My main concerns stemmed from needing more knowledge to offer insight to others on the subject of e-portfolios. The other problem is opening up to the learning community to be critiqued and share your thoughts. However, in doing the research for our literature review in a previous course, we all found a need for literature that was used ep's at the middle school level since most of the articles centered around learning in higher education. For this reason, we decided to focus on using e-portfolios in our classrooms to share the benefits with the education community.
Collaborating with my peers in creating this article was a fantastic experience. Collectively we all share a passion for our students and creating a learning environment that is both meaningful and authentic. We shared our collective and individual learning experiences, hoping our article could give middle school teachers the starting point for using e-portfolios in their classrooms. Our article is not a step-by-step guide on how to use e-portfolios at the school but offers a general overview of some of the benefits that we observed in our classes with the use of e-portfolios.
We hope our shared experiences can benefit the larger teacher community, so we will be working on publishing our article this summer.
Urban Educators Podcast
Meeting and collaborating with my group has been a fantastic experience. While we all have a passion for creating meaningful and relevant learning in the classroom, together, we were able to share our unique talents. Ashleigh has prior experience working on podcasts, so she was able to steer us in the right direction and lead the technical angles. Tonya is a communication guru who quickly offered feedback to help us express our thoughts clearly. My business background came alive during the recording. My years of speaking and presenting have helped me come across naturally. Together, we created an overview of our publication that you will surely enjoy.